West, Texas
Welcome to West, Texas
Home of the Official Kolache of the Texas Legislature.
West, Texas is located in McLennan County on Interstate 35, approximately 80 miles south of Dallas. In 1881, the town re-centered around the MKT Railroad on land provided by Thomas M. West, a prominent businessman and landowner. In 1882, Mr. West would serve as the first postmaster of the new post office at the train depot.
There was an influx of Czech immigrants in the 1880s, and their hard work quickly paid off, making West known for their food. Today West is primarily known as the place to stop for Kolaches when driving between Austin and Dallas.
Sights Around West, Texas
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Ace Auto Supply
Ace Auto Supply is located in Downtown West, Texas. West is famous for a few things.
First, there's West's location. West seems to imply that its location would be in the West Texas Region. But, instead, West is in Central Texas.
Second, there are kolaches (pronounced "cole-awe-cheese"). Everyone in Texas knows that West, Texas is where to stop on I-35 between Austin and Dallas for kolaches.
Third, there's the West Fertilizer Company explosion in 2013. The blast had a force of upwards of 10 tons of TNT and was measured as a 2.1 earthquake. The explosion left a 93-foot wide crater where the fertilizer plan once was.

West Feeds
In West, Texas, West Feeds, Inc. has been a family-owned and operated manufacturer and distributor of animal and livestock feeds since 1989.
This photo views West Feeds' grain elevators from Ace Auto Supply.
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