Tanglewood, Texas
Welcome to Tanglewood, Texas
Moving To The Railroad Tracks Didn't Work In The Long Run.
Tanglewood, Texas is 5 miles northwest of Lexington in northwestern Lee County on US Highway 77. The area was first settled as String Prarie in 1856 by the Rev. Hugh Wilson, who founded the String Prairie Presbyterian Church. In 1880 String Prarie was renamed Tanglewood when another town beat them to opening a post office.
Two sisters reading a popular children's book, Tanglewood Tales, are believed to have inspired the town's name. Tanglewood Tales contains well-known greek myths rewritten for children.
The town moved a mile west in 1894 to be closer to the newly constructed San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway. The townspeople used rolling timbers and mules to move many of the original structures.
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Tanglewood Kountry Stop
Tanglewood, Texas moved one mile west to be closer to railroad tracks built by the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway in 1894, but that didn't do much to ensure the town's long-term success.
Much of what's left today are the remains of a town that lost out to other nearby towns in the county and the Tanglewood Christian Camp that encompasses 50 acres and is supported by 44 area churches. The Tanglewood Kountry Stop is closed, but its facade features two wooden signs, one on the north end of the building and the other on the south end, outlining every town on US 77 in Texas that you'll encounter.

This Way US HWY 77 South
This sign hangs on the south end of the Tanglewood Kountry Stop's facade in Tanglewood, Texas. It reads:
- Lexington, 6
- Giddings, 24
- La Grange, 44
- Schulenberg, 60
- Halletsville, 77
- Victoria 123
- Refugio, 167
- Woodsboro, 174
- Sinton, 192
- Robstown, 213
- Bishop, 229
- Kingsville, 236
- Sarita, 257
- Raymondville, 308
- Harlingen, 330
- San Benito, 336
- Brownsville, 357
- Texas/Mexico State Line - Rio Grande River; Matamoros, 360
On an older version of this same sign, Harlingen was misrepresented as Harlinton.

This Way US HWY 77 North
This sign hangs on the north end of the Tanglewood Kountry Stop's facade in Tanglewood, Texas. It reads:
Rockdale, 12; Cameron, 23; Burlington, 39; Rosebud, 43; Lott, 53; Waco, 70; Bellmead, 84; Elm Mott, 87; Hillsboro, 112; Italy, 131; Waxahachie, 144; Dallas, 173; Lewisville, 195; Denton, 208; Gainesville, 230; Thackerville, 240; Texas/Oklahoma Stateline - Red River, 253; Oklahoma City, 405
There's a city order error on the sign; Thackerville is across the state line in Oklahoma.