High Hill, Texas
Welcome to High Hill, Texas
Location Of The First Cottonseed Oil Mill In Texas.
High Hill, Texas is located in Fayette County on FM 2672. Immigrants from Austria and Germany settled in High Hill in search of religious freedom and new opportunities. Someone suggested that they choose a “high hill” type of name to remind them of the mountains they left behind in the old country. Unfortunately, the farmers of High Hill didn’t want the railroad to come through, so the community never grew.
Sights Around High Hill, Texas
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St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Mary Catholic Church is known as the “Queen of the Painted Churches.” She was built in 1906, painted in 1912, and incorporated elements from the two proceeding churches that she replaced.
The farmers of High Hill didn’t want the railroad to come through, so the community never grew.
Have you ever been inside a painted church?