Calf Creek, Texas
Welcome to Calf Creek, Texas
A Cemetery Is All That Remains Of The Town.
Calf Creek, Texas is located in McCulloch County on FM 1311. Calf Creek, named after a nearby creek, has had three names and three locations. First, in 1874, the settlement was known as Deland, located two miles south of the present-day townsite. Then in 1909, the settlement was renamed Tucker and moved one mile north of the first townsite. Finally, in 1915, the settlement was renamed Calf Creek and moved one mile north of the second townsite to its current location. Mail service was first established in 1906 and discontinued in 1953.
Sights Around Calf Creek, Texas
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Calf Creek Cemetery
The most exciting thing that happened in Calf Creek, Texas was decades before its founding. Of Texas Revolution fame, James Bowie and ten friends fought off an overwhelming number of indigenous warriors in 1831. Five years later, Bowie would find himself surrounded and outnumbered again, except at the Alamo.
A Centennial Marker about a mile south of the Calf Creek Cemetery commemorates the 1831 battle.
Pro-tip: If you travel out to Calf Creek, all that's left of the schoolhouse is its foundation, so you'll only be able to get photos of the cemetery.